Thursday, March 18, 2010

China Natural Gas Research Papers Available

China is one of the fastest growing economies in the Asia Pacific region. Alongside this economic growth, the demand for energy is increasing continuously. At present, China has natural gas reserves of 80tcf and the majority of its gas fields are located in the western and north-central parts of the country.
South Korea is the world's largest liquiefied natural gas (LNG) buyer after Japan and largely relies on gas imports to meet its domestic demand. The country has relied on LNG imports for its natural gas supply since 1986, but started producing 0.54bcm of natural gas from its Donghae-1 field in 2004. Major LNG exporters to South Korea are Qatar, Indonesia, Malaysia, Oman, Australia and Brunei and more recently Sakhalin. South Korea, in September 2008, signed a deal with Russian major gas supplier Gazprom to import 10bcm of natural gas annually starting from 2015. A natural gas pipeline via North Korea is proposed to import the gas, although the option of importing the gas as LNG is also possible if North Korea pulls out of the project. South Korea is also considering a major pipeline from the Kovytinkskye gas fields in Russia via China to supply 0.028 bcm of natural gas.

Key features of this report

Profiles of each country's gas infrastructure including transit and distribution pipelines and their ownership, storage capacities and full colour maps of gas grids.
An understanding of Asia Pacific gas regulation, including local legislation, competitive conditions and market reforms.
Gas supply data in billion cubic metres as well as production, pipeline imports and exports by country and LNG imports.
Gas demand data by consumer type divided into residential, non-residential and power generation in billion cubic metres.
Key findings from this report
1. China distributes natural gas through a 28,000km network of natural gas pipelines that carries 45bcm of natural gas per year. The West-East pipeline is China's largest pipeline. It stretches 3,900km and has a capacity of 12bcm per year. Meanwhile, the 775km Yacheng-Hong Kong pipeline, which serves Hong Kong, is the longest underground pipeline in Asia and the second largest in the world.
2. At present, the Yacheng gas field in the South China Sea is the only source of gas supply to Hong Kong. The main limiting factor to the use of natural gas in Hong Kong's energy mix is the unavailability of indigenous resources and the resultant need for significant investment in importation infrastructure.
3. India's natural gas reserves are currently estimated at 822-907bcm, or about 0.5% of the world total of 181,518bcm.
4. Japan is an important natural gas consumer, and the world's largest importer of natural gas. With minimal reserves of just 21bcm, Japan's indigenous production will remain limited. It imports LNG from Malaysia, Indonesia, Qatar and Australia.
The Asia Pacific Gas Market Outlook: Country profiles of supply, demand, regulation and infrastructure:

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